Monday, July 13, 2009

9 Month Wait - How Ironic

So, the day finally came, we had our first appointment at the Fertility Clinic after the 9 month wait. It was a relief but also felt so anti-climatic after such a long wait. I like my new doctor he is funny, nice and straight to the point. He also looks alot like the Chekov character from the original Star Trek series. Everyone at the clinic was super, I mean super nice. Wonder if that is par for the course since it is a pay for service rather than regular health care. Upon reviewing our files from the previous testing we had done he basically summed up our difficulties as 'Unexplained Infertility', but basically he said it was age-related. Sure throw that in my face, like I don't hate my wrinkles and creaking knees enough.

Suggested course of action was IUI with injectable drugs. I was super gung ho to start with IVF, but my sister n law who did IUI three times for her kids suggested I go for it first. Just to take it easy on my body to start out with and also save some big money. I think my first cycle of trying will be next month because the clinic is closed the first two weeks of August, which the doctor was none too happy about. I told him I wanted to get the show on the road (his expression actually) ASAP. So, next month will be it, putting it all on the line. Why am I more nervous now?

I was definitely relieved to have the appointment and get things going, but I guess some part of me knows if this doesn't work nothing will....and then what? Well, I am just going to enjoy the rest of my summer as my cycle to start wouldn't be until the end of August. I always love the fall too, and hopefully an autumn conception is in my future.


  1. I wish you TONS of luck!

  2. It's so exciting to finally feel like there's a plan in progress! I felt the same way when I finally went to an RE. I hope the IUI works perfectly for you and you don't need IVF at all!

  3. Good luck!!! Fingers crossed for an autumn conception! (I love the fall too.)

  4. good luck! Looking forward to hearing more. It's more nerve wracking when you're putting yourself "out there" so to speak...available to either reach great success or failure.
