Saturday, February 12, 2011

Here's My Baby Girl

Yes I found out. It's a girl! I was surprised but my DH wasn't, he said he knew. I didn't totally think it was a boy but wasn't convinced either way I guess. My anatomy ultrasound went great and I am happy to say without trepidation that I am doing great at the halfway mark. When you are an IF survivor you are always waiting for the the other shoe to drop. But this ultrasound eased my worries. I still don't think I am feeling her move too much but I know she is alive and kicking in there. It was so cool, because I wasn't expecting a 3D image. I didn't know our doctor's office had it. So we got to take home some 3D images and 4D video. I want to go for another 3D ultrasound on our own when she is bigger and so that my stepdaughter can come and see. Now I can relax on our Caribbean cruise next week, super excited. First have to get tons of homework done which is stressing me a bit, but can't complain cause I'll be in paradise in a week. Halfway there and still can't believe it. I'm sure now it will all rush by. Haven't even started shopping yet....yikes!


  1. YAY for team pink! So glad to hear that everything went well.

  2. She's beautiful! :) Even though it was my decision to wait to find out, I'm still jealous that you know! I can't wait to find out, too! :) And vacation coming up - wow! I miss the beach so much. I hope you have a fantastic time!

  3. I just found your blog from Soul Cyster's... I am SO very happy and excited for you!! I hope everything goes well the rest of your pregnancy! :)
