Sunday, May 23, 2010


I survived another one of those outings with all my DH's friends wives. You know the ladies who all have children and whose conversation all evening is 95% children-related. Yes, fun for me as always, so much for me to contribute. Really it annoys me but at the same time encourages me to think about how I want to be when I'm a mother. Do I want all my conversational content to revolve around my child; is there nothing else to talk about? Hopefully not.

Bombshell dropped. As I was entering into my third hour at the women's chat table, the guy who was hosting the get-together comes in the house (all the men were outside) and announces that the reason the last couple just left was because the women is pregnant (was feeling sick). I was surprised the women's table was so quiet. Weird. Isn't this what they look most forward to - a pregnancy announcement?? Were they being quiet on my account, I doubt it. I said it was great, and I meant that. The woman who is pregnant is a really nice person, who I don't know well but hope to.

Honestly though some dread did go through my heart when I heard the announcement. The 'everyone but me' feeling. It can really take a toll on you, but I kept it together and I am proud of myself. I don't want to tarnish anyone else's happiness. They aren't trying to make me feel bad, I know this. And its their baby, not one they are taking away from me. I want mine. I wish I could lay low from all social engagements while all this IVF is going on, but that is difficult. Next hurdle is my niece's birthday party next weekend, where my sister-n-law's relatives who have no couth about asking me if I'm pregnant will be there. Sorry, but for the sake of self-preservation I will be doing some major hiding out at that party.

Timeline update: four days until first ultrasound and bloodwork to determine if I'm supressed


  1. It's a shame they won't let us use Valium and other mood altering drugs while in the midst of a cycle for engagements like these!

  2. I vote for telling the sister-in laws relatives something obnoxious so they don't pester you!!! :)

  3. I know exactly what you mean. I had dinner with my husband's fellow coaches and their significant others and women were at one end of the table and men at the other. Thankfully, I was in the middle. All the women talked about was their kids and their cleaning secrets. Seriously? The men talked about sports and other cool stuff. I talked to them and felt sad for women who were only defined by their ability to clean things well or have children.

    I hope these next few days fly by for you while you are waiting for your u/s.

  4. you did amazing! I always hated that friends seemed to walk on eggshells around me... I might be jealous, but I was often happy for the new pregnancy (unless it was a snotty nosed 15 year old.....then I was just bitter!). I hope the blood work and ultrasound go well, and good luck at the party! Use your combat stealth skills!

  5. Thanks ladies. Your encouragement and just getting what I mean -- means the world to me : )
