Friday, November 21, 2008

Job Interviews, Oh The Fun

I have been lucky enough to have the last five months off from working. I had decided to leave my last job because I just didn't feel comfortable there anymore. And mainly all my friends who I had started out there working with, a tight knit group of four had all moved on (two had left to have babies). And there I was still baby-less with annoying co-workers who had known me for three years and were asking those dreaded 'why aren't you pregnant?' jabs. I mean I also left because I didn't find my job challenging anymore, it just wasn't because of insensitive battle axes. So, thanks from support (emotional & financial) of my wonderful hubby I got my first real summer vacation in like 23 years. Considering I've been going to school or had a job since I was 14. I have spent my time trying to relax (when not constantly thinking about TTC), painting our newly finished basement, sewing projects, spending time with people, but curiously not learning how to cook.

But now its time to hit the pavement again because I'm a little bored and my husband keeps giving me that look. It's so unfair, but I know life is unfair. I love being at home, but the only legitimate way I can swing being at home 24/7 is to have a baby, and we all know that hasn't happened yet. I know, I know I could start my own home based business but I really don't know what I would want to do. I am waiting for the million dollar idea to hit. So, until then I have to go out into that rough n' tumble world of job seeking. It really is one of my most dreaded tasks in life, but I put myself here so I can't complain. I had my first job interview yesterday. I think it went OK, but I can't believe I stumbled on the question "How would your friend's describe you?". I guess I don't know exactly what my friends would say about me. I know it wouldn't be anything bad, but exactly what adjectives they would use I'm not sure, I'm going to have to ask some of them. My answer to the question was loyal, dependable, funny, open-minded. And then I said something stupid like "I don't know what to say, I don't want to sound conceited." And then the interviewers said, well this is your time to sell yourself to us. And then I knew I had blown it. I tried to be as relaxed as I could and let my true self shine through, but I find I'm always holding back a bit. I'm just not super forthright with complete strangers, I've always been that way.

Well, it was a good practice run anyway. Who knows I may get a call back, but I don't think its a job I really want anyways. It sounds pretty high stress. They kept asking me if I was prepared to run around like crazy, how would I deal with all the type A personalities that work there and how do I deal with stress. So, when they are asking you questions like that its going to be a stressful place to work. I want to keep my stress levels to a minimum, in case baby dust falls my way. I have tried to do a visualization to help me through interviews, which is to pretend I'm a movie star being interviewed about their latest movie. When you see the stars being interviewed they are the ones in control (mostly) and the interviewers are trying to make themselves be liked by the stars and not vice versa. So, next interview I hope to be thinking to myself, "I hope I get asked some interesting questions, and not just how it is to kiss Brad Pitt, how many times have I heard that before".


  1. Job interviews are the worst. I always leave them feeling like a conceited ass. Oh, well - I guess that's the game you have to play.

    Good luck! (On both fronts!)

  2. Thanks, I know what you mean. I'm not one to want to talk about myself so much, and 'toot' my own horn.

  3. ditto to what you've been saying...I also have not been one to toot my own horn either, but I do understand what it's like from the interviewer's point of view....they want someone who is confident and comes across that perhaps you'll find the right balance of confidence w/o conceit?
