Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Did another HCG yesterday and got results today. Good news is it was over 16,000. Bad news is I'm still worried. I just felt like right after the bleeding/discharge incident my pregnancy symptoms totally dissipated. I have read a bit since and it seems pregnancy symptoms can come and go but that is not reassuring to me. I don't think I will totally feel at ease until I see that beating little heart on the ultrasound, which is now two whole weeks away.

The past two days for me have been utter torture, much crying as I was convinced everything was over. All the prayers and support of all who care about me must have done the hoping for me. I'm glad my 'prayer circle' is what I call them (its not a formal prayer circle) is really looking out for me. Believe me I need it.

1 comment:

  1. I will definitely be praying for you over the next two weeks (and the next 9 months!!!). The first few months are nerve racking, no doubt. When I was pregnant with my son, I had awful nausea all the time and I was actually grateful - I saw it as a good sign.
    Hang in there, I know it's hard but, as you say, there are many praying for you.
