Saturday, November 6, 2010

Worry Wart

Getting pregnant was so hard, I hope staying pregnant without going insane is not. I had my third HCG test on Tuesday and my level had gone from 313 to 1834. So, I was flying high for the last few days. We have gotten a little to loose lipped with telling people, but its hard not to when most of them know we are going through fertility treatments. Hope that is not a mistake.

Worrying about everything has set in. Especially since yesterday as I am having some spotting and discharge. So far it is mostly either watery pink or brown. I have been scanning the forums and many women on there have experienced this through first trimester and everything was OK. Some articles said it is old blood from implanting or your missed period. I HOPE SO. I am very nervous. I left a message at the clinic this morning, so I hope they call me back and tell me the same thing.

My symptoms for the past week have been some cramping feelings but not severe, extreme hunger and tiredness. No nausea or vomiting yet thank goodness. How does anyone get through the first trimester? I think I may go crazy. Still doing my relaxation sessions to calm my nerves and enjoying looking at my pregnancy aps daily seeing how baby is changing and growing. It is so amazing how fast they grow in the first 10 weeks.

I hope and pray my baby will be OK. Please send your good thoughts my way.


  1. I'm hoping and praying for you, too. (((HUGS))) Try to enjoy the moments as much as you can. Everything is going great so far!

  2. HI- I came across your blog and read your story. Congrats!!! And good thoughts are sent your way!

  3. OMG, congrats!!! It's so exciting!! I'm just so, so happy for you! What an awesome, strong start! I had cramps and brown discharge for the WHOLE first trimester. Talk about being a nervous wreck! The cramps really freaked me out. Then the nausea took over and took all my attention and concentration. I'm just now starting to get that under control at 21 weeks. I can't wait to hear all about your first ultrasound!
